10 Frequently asked questions

Here are some frequently asked questions an owner might have for a potential property manager:

  1. What Services Do You Provide? What specific services do you offer, such as tenant screening, rent collection, property maintenance, etc.?

  2. What Are Your Fees? What are your management fees and any additional costs that may arise (e.g., leasing, maintenance fees)?

  3. How Do You Screen Tenants? What is your process for screening tenants, and what criteria do you use to determine their suitability?

  4. How Do You Handle Maintenance Requests? What is your process for handling maintenance requests from tenants, and how quickly can we expect responses?

  5. What is Your Vacancy Rate?: What is your average vacancy rate, and how do you work to minimize vacancies?

  6. How Do You Handle Rent Collection? What methods do you use for rent collection, and how do you handle late payments?

  7. What is Your Communication Process? How will you keep me updated about my property, and how often can I expect reports?

  8. How Do You Handle Evictions? What is your process for dealing with tenant evictions, and how long does it typically take?

  9. What Is Your Experience in Property Management? How long have you been managing properties, and what types of properties do you specialize in?

  10. Can You Provide References? Can you provide references from other property owners you work with?

Asking these questions can help ensure that the property manager aligns with your expectations and can effectively manage your investment!


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